Advanced FIB strategies for suppressing Ga implantation and achieving accurate 3D tomography
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What is this webinar about?
Advanced characterisation techniques like Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Atom Probe Tomography (APT) require distant sample preparation. Site-specific sample preparation can be achieved by using a Focused Ion Beam (FIB). Attendees will be introduced to sophisticated FIB milling strategies that are crucial for preparing high-quality TEM lamellae and APT tips by suppressing Ga implantation and minimising potential sample damage. The ion beam damage can be mitigated by milling at -100°C using Peltier cooling stages, thus reducing the need for hazardous liquid nitrogen-based cryo systems.
Additionally, the webinar will cover essential considerations for conducting accurate 3D tomography, focusing on strategies that enable representative reconstructions for advanced material analysis.
If you are a researcher or a core facility staff, join this session to enhance your understanding and application of these pivotal techniques in material characterisation, and have your most challenging FIB sample preparation questions answered!
Key Learnings
- Achieving High-Quality TEM Lamellae: Learn how to prepare high-quality TEM samples with minimal induced damage, which is crucial for effective imaging and analysis.
- Advanced Milling Strategies for APT tips: Introduction to novel techniques that suppress Ga implantation.
- Novel cooling solution: Ion beam damage can be mitigated by milling at -100°C using Peltier cooling stages, thus reducing the need for hazardous liquid nitrogen-based cryo systems.
- Accurate 3D Tomography: Key considerations for performing 3D tomography. This includes techniques that enable representative reconstructions, crucial for accurate material characterisation.

Before joining ZEISS, Dr. Maeda received his PhD from the University of Tokyo, where he engaged in research on programming, photonics, and nanofabrication.